It is known in Argentine as LOMBRICOMPUESTO, but its technical name is Humus.
There are two types of Humus,
A) Dung, astern, petals, grazing ( know origin) Suitable for human alimentation. Garden.
The features of Humus are:
Humidity: 35 to 45%
Organic Substance:20 to 45%
Bacterium Charge: between 6 and colonies per gram.
pH: it measures the acid grade: 7.2 + - 0.4
Ashes:15 to 40%
Electric Conductivity: ¾ Mmhos/cm
Endowmented of humidities acids: 5-7 %
Nitrogen (N): 1,5 % + - 0,7
Phosphorus (F): 1,4 % + - 0,5
Potassium (K): 1,5 % + - 0,7
Calcium(Ca): 7,9 % + - 0,4 to much variable
Iron (Fe): 1,3 % + - 0,3
Relation Carbon / Nitrogen 10 / 1
Heavy metals = Free of heavy Metals.
This product is sieved with a mesh of 2 mm by 2.3 mm.
Unit of measure: To sell, because it is humidity material, is liter or decimeter cubic (dm3).
Humus at 40 % of humidity approximtely 1 Kg.: 1.3 liters.
Humus at 40 % of humidity approximately 1 Kg.: 1.3 dm3.
Grade of maturity: Humus sieved must not contain shooter seeds, any sight or different colors, which indicated the presence of mushroom. Its smells must be totally neuter.
Macroscopic aspect:
By watching the Humus sieved, must be nice at sight, with uniform dark color, color like “ground”, without any other elements of colors and substance indigestible, bigger than 2.3 by 2.3. It must not have any kind of insect prejudicial to people and cultivation. At touch, the Humus must be soft and pleasant, fresh and slippery. It must not be clotted. When you compress it with the hand, it must show elasticity and sponginess, and it must become a compact mass with your own palm, easily crumbly.
B) Urban residue biodegradable (unknown origin)
Not suitable for human alimentation, but it is suitable for parks, gardening. This product’s features are very similar to the product A, but this one can not be used in market garden where the fruits are for human consumption.